di salah satu situs jejaring sosial, twitter, gue mem-follow akun yg berisi tentang karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh zodiak-zodiak yang ada.. karena gue lahir di bulan desember, katanya sih bintang gue saggitarius..
lambang zodiak ini adlah centaurus (manusia setengah kuda) dan membawa panah.. i won't make you feel bored with this kind of explanation.. yang mau gue bahas adalah di akun itu, mereka sering ngasih fakta-fakta tentang karakteristik pribadi orang yang punya zodiak tersebut.. maybe it's a superstitious things, but somehow i found it's amusing and sometimes true enough.. hehehe, yah percaya ga percaya sih intinya.. let me share it for you
- Zodiac Star Sign Focus on: Sagittarius - The Archer - November 23rd - December 21st
- #Sagittarius,are very optimistic but at the same time can be quite skeptical about certain things.
- Sagittarius is intellectual and philosophical and also good humored.
- Sagittarius does get bored easily.
- Sagittarius women have a fun outlook in life.
- Sagittarius perfect match - Aries and Leo
- Independence and freedom are important to Sagittarius.
- Magenta and Purple are the colours of Sagittarius.
- Sagittarius needs to guard against rushing into things.
- Sagittarius is eager for adventure.
- Sagittarius does not hesitate to give an honest opinion.
- Sagittarius is friendly and enthusiastic.
- Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign ruled by the planet Jupiter.
- Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and expansion.
- Fire signs represent drive and ambition, courage, enthusiasm, adventure.
lucu-lucu sih isinya.. masih banyak tuh sebenernya, cuma gue udah lupa aja.. karakteristik yang disebut di atas itu gue rasa bener ada di dalam diri gue sih, hahaha.. superstitious!
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