Selasa, 12 Januari 2010 | By: Unknown

something about love, part 2

Again,, when i'm in semester's break, i love to read many novels i've been downloaded.. I really enjoyed to read it, starting from the language, sentence, story, until the conversation,, I love it all..

and recently, i found another sentences that intriguing me for a moment.. then i decided that i really like it.. in that story, the man are hating each other with the woman.. but he doesn't recognized that he had another feeling behind it (really pschoanalysis, hahaha).. until another party, tell him so..
" when u used the word hate, it's such a powerful word. So, i think there's a powerful feeling with this chick, isn't it? "
when i read that parts, i realized the meaning.. a powerful words indicated a powerful feeling behind it.. well, whether u believe it or not, i guessed it's true.. Sometime i felt like that around people, threw powerful words without thinking, whether it's in positive or negative side..

hahahha.. such a great sentences from a novel.. i never realized that u can have many things to thinking about, just from a novel.. Have u ever experienced it, guys??

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Senin, 11 Januari 2010 | By: Unknown

REGOL, one of weird phenomenon in my life

REGOL alias registrasi online itu menurut gue merupakan fenomena yang agak aneh.. REGOL tuh ngisi IRS secara online dan bisa dilakuin dimana aja asal ada internet.. sebenernya gak aneh kalo lo cuma ngisi biasa ajah.. yang aneh adalah kehebohan yang menyertainya itu..

REGOL di fakultas gue (psikologi ui), biasanya dibuka mulai dari jam 00.00 di hari yang telah ditentuin.. logikanya, lo mau isi IRS lo kapan aja setelah tanggal tersebut, harusnya okeh2 aja dong?? tapi ternyata hal itu gak berlaku di fakultas gue..

Soalnya, lo cuma telat sepersekian detik dan sepersekian menit, lo udah bisa gak dapet kelas yang lo inginin, terutama kelas pilihan.. gila banget emang nih anak-anak angkatan gue,, gahar semua.. selain mata lo harus bergerak cepat, tangan dan juga kecepatan internet sangat mempengaruhi.. lucunya lagi, kalo udah mulai dari jam 22.00 ke atas, jumlah temen gue yang online di Facebook, sangatlah banyak.. belum lagi mereka yang emang sengaja hidden chat.. hahahaha, such a weird phenomenon..

nah, malem ini alias esok dini hari alias tanggal 11 jam 24.00 atau tanggal 12 jam 00.00,, Fakultas gue akan mengadakan REGOL yang fenomenal itu.. apakah gue sanggup BERPERANG melawan keganasan temen-temen seangkatan gue??

wish me luck, guys..

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something about love, part 1

Lately, i caught myself downloading some online novels.. basically i do like read comic and novel.. 
I really like romantic novels, but now the price has gone up to heaven.. so expensive..!! then i found this site, i started to downloading the novels.. it's really really good and i also can trained my poor english..

i had read some novels right now, its about 50 or so novels.. and recently i had read one of these novel and i found a great sentences.. it's really describe my situation now,,

" maybe i'd been in love with the idea of being in love " 

when i read that, i thought this really describe my feelings.. i really don't like it, when my boyfriends start being possesive with me.. started to asking what did i do, with who i'd go somewhere, what am i doing right now, etc.. but then again, now i found myself started to looking someone that can be my BF.. hahaahha, its a paradoxical feelings..

so, when i found this sentence, i thought maybe it's the answer.. maybe i'd been in love with the idea of being in love with someone.. but i really like to keep myself for myself only.. funny though?

hahaha,, have u ever had this kind of feelings??

*insight : i do really really really LOVE english novels.. they had many kind of words to describe one construct and have a distinctive characteristics in every words.. hahaha.. i really can't wait to read online novels more, more and more..

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Jumat, 08 Januari 2010 | By: Unknown

My SIGMA GOKIL Family.. 1st Meet

Waa,, sudah tahun 2010 ajah.. gak kerasa udah 1 tahun kerja bareng keluarga tergokil yang pernah gue temuin.. SIGMA alias seni, rekreasi n olahraga bersama ini adalah keluarga teroke yang pernah gue dapet di suatu organisasi.. terlepas dari BEM Cinta sendiri ya, tapi kalian tuh oke banget guys..

Pertama kali kita ketemu tuh kalo gak salah bulan januari akhir, walaupun gue lupa tanggalnya. Disana gue ketemu keluarga baru gue untuk 1 tahun ke depan, ada AJ, Charma, Achie, Tazki, n juga Alky.. Karena rata-rata anak SIGMA itu angkatan 2007, gue baru berkenalan lagi ma Achie n Alky.. Nambah temen baru lagi deyh gue, hehehe..

1st impression when we met,, (berhubung gue yang paling telat detengnya, hihihi):
Achie: jujur aja nih yaa, gue gak tau kalo ini bocah angkatan 2008. pertama kali gue kira, lo anak 2006 yang gue gak pernah tau. ahahaha.. Abisnya si Alky kayak udah kenal banget gitu lhoo, kan gue jadi heran
- Alky: well, ini sebenernya bukan pertama kali gue kerja bareng ni orang, tapi kayaknya dia lupa sama gue. Yah wajar juga lah, gue kan gak menonjol walaupun udah ikut banyak kepanitiaan. Dulu gue pernah kerja bareng di PMB 2008 di bidang transperlap.. so, gue gak mengekspektasikan yang berlebihan lah
- AJ, Charma, n Tazki :  ketiga orang ini sama-sama angkatan 2007, jadi gue udah kenal deyh. Yah walopun mungkin gak kenal banget, tapi kalo cuma nama n muka mah, udah cukup familiar deyh.. Mereka bertiga beda peer grup ma gue, jadi gak terlalu kenal tapi bukannya gak kenal juga.. track record mereka di kepanitiaan cukup 'wah', so gue gak heran kalo mereka masuk BEM..

Yang perlu banget kalian tau nih guys, gue sesungguhnya masih mempertanyakan apakah gue layak masuk di BEM apalagi di SIGMA.. Karena setau gue SIGMA tuh wilayah strategis untuk semua proker besar BEM, sebut aja Psygames & Psyart,  Piastro,  Psycamp,  dll.. Dan gue dengan kemampuan dan kapasitas seperti ini, apakah mampu di SIGMA??  walaupun udah lolos wawancara, entah kenapa gue masih aja ragu.. (ini nih,, gue masih aja feeling insecure all the time..).. Hahahaha, tapi toh akhirnya gue coba juga..

mulailah kita menyusun proker-proker, rapat dari pagi sampe malem (rekor tuh rapat 10 jam, dari jam 10 mpe jam 8 mlm),  rapat berhari-hari dan akhirnya VOILA,, jadi deh tuh proker.. Tinggal menunggu hasil raker n ratup ajah..

hmm hmm hmm,, really nice being there guys.. i love the atmosfer, love our jokes, love our similarity, love it all.. i really lucky have been there n join you all..

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